Brain health – so easy to take for granted until something goes wrong and a concussion puts your life on hold.

Click the link to discover how this person went from healthy to broken and then, with the help of Vision Sense vision therapy, getting her life back on track.


CS was a passenger in a car accident. The day it happened she attended a work meeting, feeling shocked and confused but thankful. As the days progressed she developed nausea, unbearable headaches and dizziness. Despite working with her physiotherapist for six months she found that increasingly she was no longer herself. Her energy levels were low and she felt distant from her family. As the result of an assessment with Vision Sense Optometry, with Dr. Angela Dobson, she learned that her eyes were not working accurately together. As 85% of all brain processes involve the visual process some of the other side effects she had been experiencing started to dissipate as she pursued her specialized treatment. She started walking at a normal speed, memories started to return. After six months her personality, dreams, and hopes are all back. She has recovered her amazing family, friends and job.

Testimonial 3

I am a manager of a large and dynamic team at Canada’s largest federal marine research institute. A few years ago I began struggling with my vision and associated confusion.

Vision Sense quickly diagnosed this as slight vision misalignment. Through my vision therapy plan, which served to strengthen my eye coordination and eye/brain communication, I have overcome my eye-related issues.

The vision therapy process is founded in science and documented through a series of comprehensive diagnostic eye exams that tracked my progress.

Now in middle age, I have vision and cognitive awareness that is better than in my early-20s. Once having worn glasses all the time, I now only wear glasses sparingly when reading or using a computer.

I am appreciative of this non-invasive treatment process; my success is attributed to my willingness to work with Vision Sense and to commit to my vision therapy plan. Dr. Dobson and Vision Sense have had a huge, positive impact on my overall health and well-being.


Testimonial 4


After a car accident Susan M was left with traumatic brain injury, whiplash and upper back issues. She had issues with balance, dizziness, daily migraine type headaches, double vision, and blurred vision. Reading was difficult. Focus and concentration were always off.
Through her specialized treatment plan she was guided to retrain her brain or help the brain find new paths – all in specific order to restore vision processes. She found some of the exercises overwhelming but with consistent practice and effort they became easier and her vision improved.
Vision Sense Optometry and Dr. Angela Dobson made it possible for her to read again, comprehend and see properly.